Monday, February 1, 2010

Dave Mykins

Wednesday, January 27th

I missed lunch today because wednesday is my day off so I slept in. I woke up around 12:30, still groggy even though I had a large amount of sleep last night. My vision was blurry as it usually is until I'm fully awake. It was bright in the room because my roommate had left the blinds open, along with the window. this made it really cold in the room, which i don't really mind because i can't sleep without a heavy comforter, and i can't sleep comfortably with a heavy comforter unless it's cold in the room. I decided to brush my teeth because i had some really awful morning breath. the room was pretty silent, since it seemed like I was the only person in the suite. all i could really hear was the um of my fan and various noises coming from outside.

Thursday, January 28th

At lunch today, nothing really looked good so I settled on pizza like I normally do in situations like this. the pizza was pretty decent today. there wasn't too much sauce, and it was spread evenly. I later made myself a really plain salad (since I generally don't like dressings or any other sauce-like substances... with a few exceptions). Looking around me, I noticed that some of the tables were in slightly different places than they were last time i was there. It seems like they move them around from day to day, which makes me wonder what they do up there after closing time. the dining hall smells the way it usually does, just like various foods depending on which station you're nearest to. at one point one of my friends was eating this really gross smelling soup. It's always to warm at ade, and for some reason I always feel like I can't breath as well while I'm there.

Friday, January 29th

I was sitting in the living room of my suite, waiting to go to class today when i noticed an area of a painting I did last semester, that i never noticed before. I started to think about how weird it was that I could miss something in something that was created by me. especially something that I spent so much time on. since it's nearly class-time, I can hear the neighbors' doors opening and closing, and people walking up and down the stairs. the room smells kind of like orange peels mixed with a vanilla-like air freshener. it's kind of a gross combination. well, not really gross but unpleasant at least. there's no real taste in my mouth, just a hint of the orange i ate a few minutes ago.

Saturday, January 30th

I woke up around noon today to the sound of my alarm clock. After last night I wasn't sure if I was up to going to brunch, but ultimately ended up going. there was no bacon, and the sausage they had out instead didn't look any good, so I just ate homefries and a bagel. the first batch of homefries I had was good, but the second time they weren't cooked long enough. the potatoes were still hard and the peppers still crunchy. i'm not sure if they even bothered to mix onions in there at all. I saw one of my friends eating a sandwich with carved turkey. excited by the fact that they had carved turkey, I immediately got up and made myself a similar sandwich(which was pretty good).

Sunday, January 31st

Arriving at the dining hall, the first thing I noticed was that it smelled like bacon. it was exciting because they didn't have any yesterday. When I got up there, I got myself some bacon and hashbrowns and drowned them in syrup as usual. after eating such an acidic breakfast i got a bit of a stomach ache, but some Tums took care of that.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, Would like to hear more from you. Your posts were observant and fun to read. Do you have a question for me about my work in the faculty show? Best, Professor Wayne
