Sunday, February 7, 2010

Katherine Lin

A new still life set was arranged by the entire class on Friday for my oil painting class. A skull-less skeleton was laid in the center.
There's this tendency of people manipulating human-formed figures to make funny gestures. The skeleton ended up holding a suitcase while its left foot half-stuck in a colorful high heel shoe. A bunch of fake flowers were inserted to the ribcage so it seemed to have a flower head. Later some flowers were moved to its pelves. People laughed throughout the process.
I slightly lost my temper because I didn't appreciate how the objects were treated. I like humor and love the occasional silliness. But I didn't find that funny. It reminded me the time a dead bird was part of our still life. People complained while having difficulty getting the details of the dead creature, some inappropriate words were said. It gave me an uncomfortable feeling similar to this.
I don't know what's the concept I'm trying to describe here. I think the objects themselves mean as much as the art works we make. It's like to draw a realistic drawing; a flat surface still has its subtle changes of color tone and texture and shouldn't be mindlessly covered with one color. Same for sculptors, one who loves his sculpture is aware of how the materials are put in. It's not necessarily the skill or neatness. But he must be aware of how each part is treated before he claims the work is finished. And this is not just about "art". Foods, furniture, tools, words, events, and thoughts all deserve to be treated mindfully.
I have difficulty appreciating "artsy action", or action that lacks of respect for the objects involved. If the action of misusing objects, images, or themes must be taken in order to accomplish certain types of art, I value appropriation and respect for the object more than this art.
Even though I don't consider myself very artistic, I guess I take it more seriously than I thought... just wish I'm more mature when it comes to dealing this kind of matter with people. Sorry guys.

1 comment:

  1. Katherine, Very interesting post. I would like to see your recent painting efforts. I did stop by the Turner Gallery to see your work. Beautiful! I especially liked the oil up above and its wonderful quality of light. Also, the water media piece on the far right was so nicely balanced/ tuned in to material and content what with the capturing of the moment gesture and the time recorded flow of the watercolor. The series of heads/portraits on the left was good as well-great observation. The dark one in the center seemed quite Chinese for some reason and the bright/witty knowing gestural drawing of you as boy and girl was very engaging, smart, very cool. Your Chinese childhood education is evident. It is an honor for us to have you in school here. Professor Wayne PS. Where are your question/questions for me about my piece in the faculty show?
