Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ursula:The 24 hour stomach flu is a beautiful thing

I was painfully sitting through my philosophy class more focused on the imaginary knife that had found itself swimming around my digestive region. Sweat beads were forming on my forehead creating a cool feeling throughout my body in the 90 degree room. It was comforting knowing that I was going to feel better as soon as I stood up to run down the hallway smelling of pizza into the bathroom where I proceeded to eject some silky gray material out of my mouth aiming in the general direction of the toilet. I failed miserably but luckily, my fellow suite mate whisked me away to the comforts of the living room couch with a wegmans' grocery bag inside a lovely transparent green trashcan probably bought at ikea...or wal mart. I made my visits to the bathroom but they became less frequent for my strength was diminishing. I had yogurt that day...and a coffee. But those were flushed down into the sewage line. I didn't want anything but water that i could only sip every five minutes unless it disagreed with my stomach in which i had to wait 20 minutes before preceding. My lips turned an off white of a wedding dress I would like to wear someday. I started sipping on some gatorade which dyed my lips close to their original color of a pale salmon color. Thank goodness there was some color in my face.

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