Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jenna Bloodough

so my thought was after reading the article, that there is a fascination with nature in the sense that nature is an all natural art form. Nature is not hand made. I am curious as to how you decide which marks to make so your pieces create the feeling of freshness. The piece in the gallery felt like a cloud. I am curious as to the creative process in regards of mark making considering the piece in the gallery is minimal yet portrays a great amount.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, I like your observations very much-excellent insight. The cloud drawing came from pressing porcelain on to a plaster slab in which the line drawing for the cloud was engraved. I have done numerous plaster drawings of this kind trying to "go with the process" and find a good line or lines. Sometimes the feeling is there/captured---the truth in the moment---- often it is not. I throw those plaster drawings away. After the porcelain is taken off the plaster slab with the drawing in it the drawing lines are raised up on the porcelain surface. I like to set process into motion and follow it. Control is a matter of letting go attentively. I was very particular about the mounting of the tile on the steel bracket system. I designed it to hold the tile out from the wall so a shadow would be cast behind it. This increases the feeling of antigravity or floating. Clouds seem to have objecthood ( is that word? ) as if they were "things," but, of course, they float effortlessly. Best, Professor Wayne
