Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cindi Kelly and the Curious George lunch

My husband started weight watchers yesterday. What does that mean for me? I suppose that I will have to plan ahead and get lunch ready in the mornings now. For Rick, tuna sandwich equaling I believe 8 points. For me a banana with peanut butter. Points? Who cares. I look at my banana and try to name the brown color that it has become. Burnt umber with a little ochre mixed in. Not black yet. The brown doesn't bother me because I know the banana will be that much sweeter. I palpate gently for bruises and feel none. Yay. Pulling the peel away from the banana, I feel the slight stickiness of ripeness. It smells good. I like bananas. Retrieving my plastic knife from my dirty coat pocket I cut my banana lengthwise. Opening the container that I brought peanut butter in, the knife cuts through it and spreads the banana with PB. Then I squish the 2 halves back together. Now to enjoy my creation. It tastes sweet and nutty. My hands are needing a napkin. The combination of sticky and smooth makes my mouth happy. My body knows that this is a good thing. Protein, potassium, and sugar. Oh yeah.

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