Friday, February 12, 2010

Victor D. Franco


So, after my Psych. Methods & Statistics test...around 10:20, I went to Miller to see Earthcloud. It evokes the feelings of serenity yet...danger or a 'leap-of-faith-I'm-going-to-go-sky-dive-now' feeling -perhaps that is because it is at the top, near the ceiling (it is on the level of the observer's eye level). I felt like I could almost touch Earthcloud, it was there with me. Perhaps this is how Wayne feels about the clouds when he is near them...perhaps this is how I or anyone else would feel.

A simple observation: Earthcloud spans a wall and surrounds a round wooden bench-like object -is it a bench? This could be taken to mean that we of the Earth can touch the Heavens...the clouds and the earth are indeed very close together. Judging by Wayne's Stratocumulus, I would say Earthcloud is based on a theory: we are wrought from the clouds to the Earth and go back again to the clouds. Hmmm, one could take this on the Christianity and/or reincarnation route...

It is not a wonder why there are serveral books written based on Earthcloud.

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