Friday, February 26, 2010

Victor D. Franco


*accidently posted only date (02.26.10) before and could not figure out how to edit it*

I'm at a work study meeting during which almost nothing productive is ever done. I'm looking foward to lunch at Nana's with Cindi afterwards.

This past week has been really busy, a blur- hence why I haven't been on here much at all.

This weather is rediculous. It is times like these that I wish I had chosen another school. Other than that, Alfred Univ. is pretty much okay...

Do you ever plan to or just spontaneously sit down to talk to someone and then their friends come and join in? What if you planned it and just wanted to have a nice lunch with JUST THEM and not their friends? Isn't that annoying? Its one of my pet peeves.

I participated in CYLI this Wednesday and I think...I've learned to like children more than I used to -which is a good thing if I want to go into art therapy.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo. Is that what you were thinking of me when I invited Jen? I'm sorry Victor. I didn't mean anything by it.
