Monday, February 1, 2010

Victor D. Franco

02.01.10 (Monday's VERY late post)

Oops, didn't post for yesterday (Sunday)...oh well.

Around 11:30 am today, I walked into Powell and sat down with my Freshman friend. I hosted him last spring and he is currently in Foundation. He dislikes Michelle's laugh...UGHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! He likes to illustrate fictional worlds and characters. His name is Maurice. Maurice makes me laugh. He also makes others laugh, but lends down-to-earth heartfelt advice when others need it. Today, he counseled a depressed, heartsick girl. Hopefully she'll listen...he gave her good advice, amidst some jokes of course.

While that was going on...I went through two plates of food. The first consisted of boiled-looking chicken with sweet beans and asparagus. I ate the asparagus and threw the rest out. The chicken was gross, upon opening it...and I lost my apetite momentarily.

After that, I had a sandwhich with pepperoni, pesto, turkey, and italian dressing. I didn't finish that either.

Maybe I shouldn't have eaten breakfast about an hour before.

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