Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Victor D. Franco

*Two posts and a QUESTION*

Tuesday 02.02.10

Its all a blur now...but, I know I ate overly-dry tuna on soft rye bread with lettuce...

I also ate some Walmart cookies my Intro. to Art Therapy class teacher gave us. We also finger painted as an "art experience" exercise. It was great. I felt like a kid again :D

On a side note, I think I have overscheduled my life.

Wednesday (today, 02.03.10)

Powell Dinning Hall had some surprisingly delicious macaroni lasagna today...yummm; I took some from a brand new batch and took a large helping of the gooey mozarella cheese caressing it atop. I also had some cheese quesadillas with barbecue sauce and sour cream, some scallop potatoes, glazed carrots, and snow peas.

Lunch was thoroughly enjoyed.

My question to Professor Wayne (about his art piece 'Stratocumulus'):

How did you go about getting the observation basis/ visual source(s) for this piece?; What inspired/struck you to make it?


  1. Victor, thanks for your good questions. I have been really looking for some time now at clouds. My piece in the Miller building is called "EarthCloud." Also, I am concerned with the study of Buddhism and there cloud iconography has rather important references to impermanence, which is an underlying Buddhist observation regarding the human condition, nature, the universe/etc. When I was a kid I use to play a game I invented called "lie down an look up." Also, for many years I have used landscape as a threshold image for my work. Perhaps/probably, this is because I grew up in the West where I lived with a lot of space and horizon.
    Victor, thanks for your other recent entry. I was unaware that you may be interested in Art Therapy. We should talk about that some time soon. Best, Professor Wayne

  2. 02.04.10 (counts as Thursday post)

    Aha...interesting, Professor Wayne. I have not seen "EarthCloud" as of yet. But, I will have to go and observe it. I'm pretty certain that this piece has much to do with "EarthCloud". This piece, as I'm sure is much of your other work, is telling of your colorful nature, which I do appreciate. You bring a down-to-earth, yet 'in the clouds' and humorous nature to the class. You're very imaginative and consistently seem to think outside the box. In fact, I believe that this is what you're trying to teach us as your students: think BEYOND. I thank you for that. I'm sure I have still a lot to learn from you.

    In regards to art therapy, yes, I am very interested. I'm currently persuing a Fine Arts major and psychology minor (a set up for a future art therapy graduate program). We will talk more about it on Monday, if you would like.


  3. Victor, I do look forward to talking to you about Art Therapy. I would very much like to hear about your classes, how you got interested and what you think the bigger picture is regarding art's usefulness in such circumstances. Best, Professor Wayne PS. Thanks for the comments about the class. All I can say is I do care and try my best.
