Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Funny how something you do so often earlier turns into a constantly forgotten activity. Like washing dishes, face lotion or even, say, a blog for class.

Noticed at 7:55 am

I'd been awake for a few minutes and tried to go back to sleep before my alarm at 8. This never really works for me, but I always attempt it. Facing away from my roommate, I can hear her laptop mouse making noise: click-click. click click. click click. I wonder what she's doing that could make that noise. Knowing that solitaire is often open on her computer, I try to think of what action in the game could make that noise, and figure out that it is most decidedly not solitaire.

I flip around, pissed off that once again my comforter and sheets don't line up; I kick them into order and it hardly works. At the end of it, my left leg is chilly because it only has the comforter on top of it (and is now in a cold spot), but my right foot is too warm because it has the entire bottom of my sheet around it. I've thought of safety-pinning the sheet and the comforters at the corners but then never get around to it. This time it'll happen.

My lips taste weird - oddly sweet? Later I figure out it's probably my toothpaste from last night. Also, note to self: I need to use more chapstick.

I keep my eyes closed even though they don't want to be closed anymore. I become extremely aware of my eyelids and the pressure that I'm exerting to keep them shut. I finally open them, taking a peek at the clock. am 7:58 it reads, and the Alarm A icon is still showing. My arm surfaces from the mess of sheets and the Alarm A icon disappears.

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