Saturday, February 6, 2010

Question for Professor Higby

Professor Higby,
First let me say that I loved loved LOVED your speech. I especially liked the reading about the mind being of the earth and it only becomes mind when stimulated by the senses. I may have to read that book..... I wanted to touch your piece because it looked so soft and inviting, like clouds. I have lots of questions for you but will only keep it at one and I'm afraid that It's more technical than esoteric. How many layers of glaze were on the piece? By the way, I did refrain from touching it. Thank you. Cindi Kelly

1 comment:

  1. Cindi, Thanks for your comments about the talk for the Scripps show opening. The talk was the result of years of work and wonder. The piece in the faculty show is once fired porcelain. In other words, it was not biscuit before I glazed it. When the porcelain was dry I just dipped it into a large vat of glaze so that it was completely covered. Then I took it out keeping it level until the sheen from the wetness was gone. This process caused the glaze to be applied fairly thick. It was fired to cone 10 flat in a reduction atmosphere. It is the "body reduction" phase of the firing at cone 011 that really promotes the bluish coloration. After it was fired I sand blasted the surface. This is what makes it look so soft. Professor Wayne
