Friday, February 26, 2010

Alexis' Midterm Question (?)

I think the slipwork i did on the top of the piece ( accentuating the arrow shape with a white line, and black shoe prints facing in the opposite direction) implies some blunt narrative, just based on the fact that they are such iconic things that are directly related and put in opposition to each other.
The rest of the decoration and the form itself are very abstract, both relating to the original drawing.

Do you think there is a disconnect between the slipwork on the top and the rest of the piece?


  1. p.s. i just read arianna's question after i posted this and its the same question only hers is more to the point. I didn't do that on purpose though. sorry arianna! my other question would be how do you think the cracks affected my piece, but i think the slipwork question is still more interesting. I think it would be hard for anyone to ask a question not related to slip work for this project.
