Monday, February 8, 2010

Victor D. Franco

Monday, 02.08.10 (No post for yesterday)

This has yet been the umpteenth time I've lost something. Before, its been my suite/mailbox keys, my phone, and my studio locker keys. This time it was my laptop. For some reason...well yeah, because of my forgetfulness...I leave important thinsg everywhere. It is like things need to be on my person or attached to my body somehow in order for me not to forget them. But, I found it. Thank God. I believed I would find it and I did. Its like that book The Secret. But I trust in God...and that's my little secret. He never lets me down ;)

Yeah okay, don't freak out okay! Its not like you don't have your...uniqueness...whoever you are who's reading this. So, stop judging :D

Lunch...was a chicken ceasar wrap and cranberry juice. Not very exciting. I got right to work on my clay project right afterwards.

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