Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cindi Kelly, I think

I get confused. I wonder if it's my age or if I'm trying to do too much, or am I just stupid? Organizing isn't a strong suit of mine. Whenever I get a chance I try to reorganize my organizing skills. I'll try to write things down, I'll try to use my phone calender, I ask my husband to remember things for me, I'll waste more money on a planner. Is it because I don't care? Is it because I am just trying to challenge myself? I do sudoku, I try crossword puzzles, I stand on my head to get the blood moving into my brain. Is it helping? We'll see at the end of midterm week.


  1. Cindi, I do the exact same must be woman thing, don't worry to much :D

  2. Hi Cindi...its okay about Jen -I didn't think bad of you, promise.
