Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I finally got around to washing my dishes from the past two days this evening. I'm one class act. Anyway among those dishes was a bowl that my mom made a few years ago. She brought it home one day and I picked it up and said ' what? whoah... can I have this?' so she says to me 'sure', but she didn't really see the alure.

I think its great though, and sometimes when I unpack it or wash it or eat out of it I go into a kind of trance, accidental like. It starts out I'm just looking at it, and it turns out I'm looking at it. It's not a special shape (other than the fact that it holds the perfect amount of soup or cereal and fits nicely in my hands- I've decided it was subconciously made for me)but the glaze is fantastic. The colors range from this heavenly off white that ought to be the color of my wedding dress if that day should come, to this deeep midnight blue tinged with deeep red and purple that drives me crazy, I'd like to swim in it. In between there is this sort of seafoam green you generally see in bathroom decor (which I usually hate but in context of the bowl I like), so many different melty light blues, different shades of beige and light greyish purple (kind of like dry and wet sand at twilight- my most favorite time of day). All these colors run together in sort of surprising ways, and there are parts that I always get hung up on because I don't know how they happened and they look so great. They just make your eyes feel good. Theres also these little tiny crystals that pop up when you pay attention, and if theres one thing I love its little tiny crystals that pop up when you pay attention.

Every now and again I show it to someone who is into ceramics or painting and I say 'isn't this great' and they look at it, they don't even pick it up, they shrug their shoulders and say 'yeah, it's alright, I guess....'

Nobody sees the alure. I don't get it.

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