Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cindi Kelly

I have a toothache. What should I eat that won't hurt? I brought some green grapes and key lime pie yogurt because I figured that these items might be easy on my tooth. Bur honestly I don't really feel like eating right now. What do I feel? Am I tired or full of energy? I think I would rate my energy level at 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. A breath check. It seems to be flowing unobstructed through my body. Although it may be activating a little pain when I breathe deep. You know how the sinuses and teeth seem connected. What's happening in my mind? Ha. Not much. Still reeling from the stepdaughters dramatic scene the other night. STAY OUT OF MY MIND PSYCHO B---H!!!!!!
Back to the toothache. It's talking to me. STOP IT!!!! I am going to see a dentist tomorrow though I don't have an appointment and may have to sit there for awhile praying that he will have time to see me.(I believe in God, too, Victor). Today is the day that Bonnaroo is announcing the lineup. I have a lot of work to do. Breathe. A little tension in the neck. Could be related to the damn toothache. Enough. Give me clarity. (Talking to God again.) That's what I would like for today. That and more advil.

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