Sunday, February 7, 2010


Noticed at 3:48 pm

Sitting at the library, waiting for 4 o'clock. Tasting the now less-carbonated-than-it-had-been-2-hours-ago Sierra Mist. Sweetly lemon flavor with tinytinytiny bubbles that play on my tongue.

Hearing the muffled traffic on Main Street, the blowing of the space heater next to me, the clicking of the public using their computers. The woman in the far corner who probably doesn't even realize she mumbles aloud as she's reading to herself. If I watch the clock, I can hear it tick down, but I lose it as soon as it's out of my sight.

Feeling cold... ish. Just my hands really. They've been out and typing and scanning and stamping and shelving and mouse-moving and texting the entire time. Head a little dizzy because someone else is in the room. My feet, my heels, the balls of my feet want out of these boots.

I think ahead to the apartment and my vision is blinded by my pictoral to-do list. Make the soft pretzels. Clean. Shower?
I watch the woman leave her seat at the computer, walk over to the fiction, then slowly walk back to the computer. I'll have to tell her soon that the library is closing. I compose in my head: "Just so you know..." "Just so you're aware..." "Um, excuse me..." "Hi..."
Maybe I'll just stand up and turn off the lights in the other room.


  1. Arianna, Good post, but why were you in the library waiting for 4:00PM? What is so special about 4:00PM? Best, Professor wayne

  2. Oh! That's a good question. I work at the Box of Books Library and am the only person to do so on Sundays. We're only open from 2 to 4 pm, so I have to kick the masses out (HA) at 4.

    I think it's interesting how introspective these posts have become for me so that I feel like the little details are common knowledge.

    Also, I'm not sure why the time stamp says 12:48pm because it was 3:48pm when I wrote it.

