Monday, February 1, 2010

Katherine Lin

I ordered chicken tenders and french fries from Lil' Alf for lunch. Not particularly in love with fast food but I tend to get it when feel the need of happiness. I've been trying to eat lighter lately, guess that's why the chicken tenders tasted quite salty for me. Though I still got B.B.Q. sauce and mustard.
Ate half of it before class and left the box on Adam's table, while I was cleaning my table for the collection. Adam came in, so I moved it to one of the other handbuilding class's table. Someone came in, worked there and kept frowning at my lunch box. That distracted me a little during class. (later I put it on a cart next to my work station, it turned out that's Elliot's cart. I'm sorry...)
I got hungry around the time handbuilding class ended. Then realized that I didn't close the mustard's cap. I imagined how much clay dust entered it. But then I probably had eaten / inhaled a lot already.
So I dipped my french fries with mustard, while trying to avoid the clay dust that's very likely already in my stomach and lungs.
It was a little disturbing to think of that while eating but the chicken tenders and fries were still good.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Katherine, happy to have you here. Your observations bring up the "food in the studio" issue. Probably not a good idea for the reasons you suggest. Hard to resist, however. Especially, if you are spending a lot of time in the studio, which you should be. I keep thinking about your drawings and how sensitive they were..a lovely touch. You should work on this skill of yours. You could go much further with it. I look forward to your question/questions about my work in the faculty show. Best, Professor Wayne
