Friday, February 5, 2010

Cindi Kelly

Today I had lunch with a pregnant friend. During lunch a thought crossed my mind to be mindful. I looked around Nana's and saw a lot of people that I new and a whole bunch that I didn't. Then I looked at my friend and just saw her beauty. She seemed so comfortable in her big body yet there was an underlying nervousness that showed in her face. Who wouldn't be nervous if they were expecting a baby within 3 days. The smells in the restaurant were heavenly. I thought about how I can always smell someome if they have been to Nana's for lunch but it didn't smell like that. It was just Nana's without the human equation. The food was everything I expected. Fresh, warm, and tasty. Lots of different textures and colors. As I bit into my tofu I felt a stillness invade my body. It felt like health to my insides. Then I'm back. People talking, moving, and eating. The flow is sweet. Thank you Nana.