Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alexis' question for Wayne

I think there is an interesting layering contrast of manmade and natural in this piece, you take the clay and force it to be this square- but it cracks in places as is its nature. Then you take an image of nature-cumulonimbus- and put your interpretation of that on the tile. Did you consider these contrasts in the making of the piece, or were they a sort of side effect? And what would you say about the amount of control you took in the making of it?


  1. Good observation Alexis......As a mater of fact, my intention with this piece was/is to establish number of contrasts that then measure each other in a conversation of opposites or oppositions, which contextualize or characterize experience. Control...I refer to my approach as "controlled acquiescence."

    By the way, I enjoyed your last entry and its very, sensitive reveal of color observations. Best, Professor Wayne

  2. Thanks- i think I might like writing in this blog too much, it gives me an excuse to be ridiculously descriptive.
    I read some of your other answers and the controlled acquiescence fits right in with buddhism and impermanence- things are what they are and they wont be later so you do what you can with them while they're around.
