Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crowley (Irish for descendant of the Hero)

I was eating an apple the other day while my motor functions were being cancelled out by a migraine. Because of this I took a bite at a funny angle and bit right through to the core - something I learned to avoid like the plague as a child because I loathed the bitter taste and tough texture. This time it tasted just like the rest of the apple, but my taste buds might have been overridden by the migraine. I think I even chewed a couple seeds, which is usually unheard of from me. Anyway I was shocked by this turn of events and I wish there was someone there to watch me because it must have been real funny as I turned my head with my eyebrows in the air and my eyes all wide to look at the apple in my hand. There was a perfect round opening to the core, with the cute little seeds all lined up against these spines inside. It's so strange how hollow it is in there, and how lightly the seeds just set in there place. Apples are very gentle things when you think about it - strong but gentle. The flesh provides resistence when you bite into it but the flavor is light and sweet, kind of welcoming. Not like oranges, they bite back with their acid (although still quite delicious). The thick white flesh is the fortress, all to protect this tiny secret room in the middle, where the little brown drops of potential trees lay sleeping. Thats what apples are, elaborate biological cradles.

I'm gonna eat so many more apples from now on.

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