Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Noticed at 6:30 pm.

Working at the library again. Quite a few visitors for a snowy night.
Feeling my head ache. Not too painful, but enough to distract my attention and make my sentences choppy. Feeling cold, all over. No, a warm heart. (Eww- how is it that the most cliche phrases are the most true?) Also feel anticipatory for something that I don't know what. A surprise but not really but yes really. A surprise for my warm heart.

Tasting sumptuous smooth chocolate that my boss gave me for Sunday's holiday. I'll be able to get dinner later.

Smelling cucumber melon triple moisture body cream that I put on my hands over two hours ago. Triple moisture? Maybe just double, but I suppose it's comforting that the scent has stuck around. It might be fueling my headache, though.

Hearing as always the typing computer, important whispered conversation that the library always seems to attract. They really don't need to whisper (I giggle on the inside). The library has two rooms; anything you say aloud I will probably be able to hear. Is the "secret" from me or from the general public? It's not that big of a secret, yet I'll keep it. For now. Also hearing the police sirens from next door. Is it anything important? I wait for the siren to sound, but it doesn't. Guess not.

Seeing. How could I almost forget you? Then I realize, there's nothing to see, or nothing out of the ordinary at least. I look to the windows for inspiration, but it's already dark. I only see the reflection of the insides of the library. The books on the shelves, waiting. The donation bin on the desk, waiting. The fine box, waiting. The magazine rack, the DVD shelf, the to-shelve cart, all waiting for something.
And me, checking the clock, thinking of the exact place my Advil sits on my desk back at home.

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