Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Victor D. Franco


Self-analysis aloud

I'm not afraid of death.

I've always known I have a fascination with tragic characters, and tragedy in general; tragedy that could be much better, tragedy that does not deserve to have ended in tragedy. I watch Nip/Tuck...that should explain a lot. I'm very dark, not being afraid to delve into the depths of the human soul to look for answers. Some people are afraid of being could say that, in many ways, I am not.

Despite my nature, sometimes I look at the bubbly people and wish I could be more like them. I am trying to not be a cynist, but how do you get rid of something that you've een around since childhood? (my parents were and still are huge cynists)

I am trying. I look at myself as awkward for trying. I'm soft-spoken, sometimes fearing what may come out of my mouth. I fear my flaws, and I'm trying to get rid of them.

Yes, I am just...human; human in different ways than some other people. I am unique. That uniqueness comes from the light which constantly battles the darkness inside, manifesting itself in soft-spoken-ness, politeness, and inability to make quick decisions. The quiet ones are the ones who usually have the most going on.

I think I think too much and this is probably too much. it is. Here it all is.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, Victor. As bubbily as I am, I love reading stories and watching movies about the apocalypse. Something about the complete upheaval of normal society (and how everyday people deal with this) just fascinates me.

    I think we all wish that we were as blank as someone else (I do it ALLLL the time). And we all try.

    It's a shame we can't just all admit what we're all trying to do or thinking.

