Monday, February 1, 2010

Jenna Bloodough

Powell is always packed on mondays around noon, the line was out the door all the way to the knight club so with that observation Im not sure why I thought it was going to be a decent lunch. Oh well. While in line I actually looked up for once..apparently Powell has plants on the beams just below the skylight windows? what? I asked my roommate if they were always there, her and two other people in line answered yes. Nice touch Powell, nice touch. The plants weren't saving lunch now, I had briefly been sidetracked, Powell was so busy obviously. I hate walking around searching for a table its a lot of pressure, you have to be stealth but over all its really awkward. when we managed to find a table it was loud, the boy at the table next to us had a voice that did not match his body. He was tall, slender, and trendy while it voice was deep and stoic. Interesting. The company I had to eat my lunch with I may need to reconsider. Its instant least get a beverage first.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, How is it going? How is the current project shaping up? Guess I will see on Monday. Are you still eating lunch? Best, Professor Wayne
