Saturday, February 13, 2010


A flurry of emotions sets in while a flurry outside does as well.
Can I do this? I think I can... !

Tears try to push themselves out, but I stop them with thoughts. They're happy tears. Just unwanted at the moment.

My nose is running - awesome. I wipe it on my sweater. Arianna, shall we revert to when we were five

I hear footsteps and they slow as they near the hallway. Shuffle.shuffle.shuffle.peek? Walk back the other way trying to pretend they weren't there.

I look up and see they're running reflection on the glass and giggle inside, smile outside.

It's hard to not be mindful with something like this.
Though now I find that I remember random little details almost more than the overarching event.

Sweaty-ass hands (mine)
Tone of voice (his)
Smiling silence (ours)

What an exhausting day.

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