Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kathleen Rabe

5 vessles: nutritional yeast, koser salt, pepper, wine jug, mason jar full of water. yellow, white, black, green, clear. clear?.. green, blue, yellow, white.. not quite clear.

I can see a white sheet drying in my studio. It is drapped over my work table and chair. It looks like someone died.

Every once in a while the fire cracks or a car drives by. The fire cracks more then the cars come.

The trash went out today but the compost is still here. It is like the garden was harvested last month. Rotten and sweet.

My legs are hairy, and I am acutely aware of the crease in my stomic.

My face is on fire with the taste of raw garlic. Stinging in my nose and under my tonge. I should plant some more garlic..

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