Saturday, February 6, 2010

Victor D. Franco


I didn't really go to sleep that early yesterday. I can't afford to...:D I wouldn't if I could anyway. The posting time on here doesn't match up with my laptop's time. Something must be screwed up on some end.

This week has been...a week of running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Well, not like I was confused in regards to anything I needed to accomplish, but...its all a blur. That's how busy I've been. Thank God I got that day planner...

Wow, everyone must be pretty one has posted so far today.

So, I woke up this morning and have stayed in my room since then...a lot of reading to do, including a presentation based on a reading for Monday's Social Foundations of Education class. What a HEAP of work for 3 credits!!! Its mind boggling to me how she has the time...nevermind. You'd almost think it art studio class.

What I've eaten for lunch today: two Wildberry Poptarts, a green apple, a banana...and yeah, that's in. It wasn't very appetizing...but, I have resolved not to leave my room until I finish what I need to finish. Except for maybe dinner and work later.

These posts have become more than about lunch. Its kind of unsettling...but, I'll go with it. I suppose, no almost garentee, that is the goal of Professor Higby -for us to post about more than what we eat.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victor. It sounds like you need Nana's too. Lets have lunch someday! Cindi
