Thursday, February 4, 2010


Cleaning is an unpleasant chore that must be done regularly. Cleaning the hot shop requires a team in order to accomplish all that needs to be done. Two people from my class were cleaning along with a variety of upperclassmen. It was my job to rinse and refill water buckets and to torch tables. It is usually not my duty to sweep but some slacker did a half-ass job so I had to clean up after him. I had to empty the water buckets and refill them for use while working, I brought the two green, five gallon buckets over to the red hose to fill with hot water then replaced them at their normal spot at the benches. Using paper towels and a torch I heated the waxed glazed tables, resembling a glazed doughnut, in order to remove the wax. This took around five minutes and left me overheated. While trying to operate one of the torches one of the upperclassmen criticized the way I had the torch set, I couldn't fix it so he tried to and he figured out it was broken. He did not apologize and rudely left to continue cleaning the hot shop.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about you Elliot, keeps me sane. Sorry about the sweeping the other day. I don't know, but when I see someone else cleaning...I get the urge to clean.

    Besides, Katherine and I's space was really messy...
