Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nick's Question

Wayne, my question for you is the following:

How strongly does the composition draw from the inference of the object as a tile? and what affect do you believe the unaccompanied square form has on a viewer? Lastly, can a narrative be created between one of your other multi-tile works and the singularity of the piece in the gallery?

1 comment:

  1. Nick, thanks for the intelligence of your questions. I do think that "tile" (to which this work, in part, refers) as a known/historical entity of ceramic art and of architecture speaks to the figurative/perhaps body implications buried in this piece. It implies architecture as a reference and via that a reference to mankind or the ubiquitous ordering of nature by human beings. Square is order, a suggestion of the imposition of logic on chaos. In this particular case, I think about it that way. A narrative between this piece and especially EarthCloud up in Miller? Definitely a connection, similar issues/observations/content/summations, different strategies/different focus. I am not sure I would use the word narrative, but I am fine with it. Best, Professor wayne
