Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alexis 'Crow' Crowley

One of those days at the studio that everyone here should know about. Nothing really worked too great. I tried though. Now I'm left desolate dejected discouraged deciding the air today was unlucky and tomorrow I'll be breathing super lucky master making air because it's the 5th instead of the 4th, a much better number for making things. Superstitions are good fun.

Tonight I can feel my cheek bones and they seem to be made of the same thick glass that holds the iced teas we buy from our vending machines and my skin feels like pool table felt. My mouth tastes sweet and tired like the last snow thats trying to melt outside. My lack of a good sniffer is making itself apparent (I think my nose is just for show). Coming at my ears around my music is the god damn hum of the building. I hate the way buildings are always humming. SHUT UP TREDENNICK!


  1. Don't you dislike those days where nothing seems to work?! I've had those a lot lately...and everyone has. I can see where you're coming from.

    ...These suites are waaaaay too old :/
    You know, sometimes...I'm in my room and I think someone is in OUR suite bathroom...but, its really downstairs (I live on the 3rd floor). And the pipes, ohhh the creaky pipes...

  2. That was my comment, lol. I forgot to put my name afterwards -Victor

  3. Alexis, You know when I have a day in the studio when nothing seems to work and I do have those days, the next day is always better. I think my subconscious and my body works on the problems of the day before and solves them some, so following I have a bit more success. Has that ever worked that way for you? Best, Professor Wayne

  4. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I seem to go through bad weeks more than bad days. I do find, though, that if I'm having a bad day but I have someone to talk to about something else (for at least a little while) I stop thinking so hard about what I'm doing and things start to come together almost of their own accord. I think it's a similar thing where the conscious has to get out of the way of the subconscious and its natural problem solving abilities.
