Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm sorry everyone that it has been a while since my last entry. My experience today, I am feeling very fatigued and overwhelmed that for the past three weeks we have been working on the same project. Unlike others, I started this project immediately and feel like I have accomplished quite a bit more by successfully completing two forms that have interacting aspects. At this point I am struggling to fulfill the last two steps, which are; slipping and making the objects sit in an alternative position. I'm having trouble keeping interest having worked so long on this project. The reason I'm struggling so much with the slipping process is because this tedious process of work does not hold my attention well, I'm not one for decorated elaborate pieces, I'm more interested in making "fine objects." However, in doing this project I have succeeded in leaps and bounds. I have learned that my first method in creating this was not necessarily the best way of completing the assignment. I'm glad to say that I have definitely learned something and I am very pleased with the forms themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Elliott, You have done a fine job with the project. I was concerned that this first major project would be too difficult for those with little experienced and yet, at the same time, I hoped it might challenge those with more experience. It is fundamentally a classic ceramic project --shape and surface, but also deals with size and scale. Of course, three weeks is not very much time in the real world of sculpture. The struggle is critical-necessary. I am interested in your definition of "fine objects." I look forward to "unpacking" more ideas with you. Professor Wayne
