Monday, February 1, 2010


Noticed at 5:05 pm.

Trying for a nap. I lay my head down on my pillow, pull the covers up to my chin and stare at the wall. My shadow is distorted from the light source - my roommate's light is pointed down at her book and offers a soft yellow glow onto my wall. I close my eyes, at first seeing nothing, then watching dim colored shapes pass in front of my eyes. They move too quickly to look at them, but just when I notice them, I watch them disappear.

Smelling my pillow, which still smells mildly of home. Smelling... sickness.

Tasting the remnants of tea and a sugar cookie that I had before my attempted nap. Sugar, butter and honey had melted together in my mouth so nice, and while it's not unpleasant now, but I'd rather have a blank palette for a nap.

Hearing my computer whirring, my breathing, and then sliding tires on the steep hill outside. A driver is quickly learning that he or she should not have stopped on the snowy hill. The tires whir, then stop. Then whir, then stop. The sounds stop and my attention is focused elsewhere.

Feeling, my side pushing into the mattress pad, my head's weight pushing on the pillow. After a minute or two, I realize I can't feel my hands, feet. The eraser of concentration has gotten rid of them, and now it's slowly moving up my legs and arms, avoiding the places that have pressure on them.

I wait for 20 minutes for sleep to take me, but I guess not today.

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