Monday, February 8, 2010


At first I was just writing about whatever interested me the most about my day. Now I will get back on track with the actual assignment of writing about one particular time of day; that time of day will be noon.

Day 1:
I was walking back from the studio. I focus on the ground while I walk, I have a tendency to admire cracks the the different surfaces of the ground. My favorite kinds of cracks are those in asphalt that disperse like spider webs across the blacktop. On occasion I like to try to walk primarily on the larger segments of the asphalt, somewhat playing a game with myself; that I can only step on pieces that will allow my entire foot to fit. Occasionally I would look up at the sky to see what the weather is like. Today there were a few clouds scattered throughout the sky. When my eyes returned back the ground I noticed the snow has yet to melt, there were no puddles to watch out for and it's just an easy walk back to the suites.

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