Friday, February 26, 2010

Cindi's question- Fat person or cheeseburger?

Sculpture for sculpture's sake. I guess that is what this project was meant for. I did learn a lot about the material, leather hard being what I think may be the most important thing I learned. When I started doing my piece, I liked the shape. Then someone told me it looked like a fat person's shape. Another person told me it looked like a cheeseburger. I started hating my piece but kept trying to remember that I'm here to learn. It doesn't matter what it looks like as long as I become familiar with the process. So when I turned it over and and began the slipping process all I could think of was "try to mask the burger shape. Get rid of the fat rolls.". I tried to hide the crease by slipping with white to make the crease come forward. I tried to make the roll recede by slipping with black. I am wondering if I acheived this masquerade. Does my piece still look like a fat person or a cheeseburger?

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