Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cindi wants SNOW

I am hoping for the snowstorm of the century! Or at least the decade. I remember snow up to my waist. Of course I may have been shorter then. Let's see the snow fly horizontally. Let's see it build up around the trees and cars. Let's see the snow dervishes whirling everywhere. Let's hear the soft silence that a good storm produces. I want to be snowed in for days with nothing to do but think and cook and play with the boys. Or maybe I should wish to be snowed in at the school with so much time on my hands I can make 300 boxes. Or maybe I could have time to read and study for my midterm. Or maybe, or maybe.....


  1. I hope we have the storm of the century too! snow storms and thunder storms are my favorite things. Especially when the lights go out and you have to use candles or oil lamps. I was always so dissapointed when the lights came back on.


  2. You got it!! :-)

    I love thunderstorms too! Indiana weather can be such a whiplash sometimes, especially in the summer. You'll could have torrential rain, tornado warnings, flashfloods, but five minutes ago it was bright and sunny with only a few clouds in the sky. Tornado warnings are the best too (okay, not the best, but they're exciting). There can be fantastic clouds, too, during those.

    Then there was one time that the sky over my town was clear, but to the South there was a really really big storm. I could watch a lightning storm amidst big-ass clouds and then turn around and see the stars.


