Saturday, February 20, 2010

Victor D. Franco


I haven't been posting every day lately...I have too many things going on. But, I'm trying and that's what should matter.

I woke up today to a fairly relaxing day -much more so than most. The weekdays are crazy. So, needless to say, even though I always have to go in to the studio to work on a project, I'm happy when Friday night comes along.

Today, I walked to Powell for brunch because Ade was closed (all day) for a football banquet. I've thought before: why are the football players so special? I've concluded: because they work really hard and they don't get free tuition just because they play football. Ouch, the injuries...I can only imagine.

Anyway, when I arrived at Powell, everyone was standing outside because someone burned something and the fire alarm went off. I was invited to sit with two people I barely knew -which makes me anxious because I don't generally easily find commonalities with people I don't know very well. I'm not good at bridging the gap, except for the occasional passing "how are you?" and "hello" I dislike the fakeness of "how are you?" (fakeness because if you really cared and had the time you would sit down to hear about the person's day/state) but...I still participate in it anyway. That's not to say that I don't care when I ask...but, it just frustrates me that people always say "good", and that I wish I could stop to listen to something more. I'm going to practice not asking "how are you?" from now on...

I ate a ham and provolone cheese wrap with barbecue sauce (did I mention I love brabecue sauce?), and some salad (composed of lettuce and carrots) some Special K cereal with 2% milk and orange juice. Yeah, I'm still trying to at least mention what I've eaten...but these posts have turned from being mindful about food to being mindful of my thoughts. Its great :D

1 comment:

  1. Oo Barbecue sauce! Why is it so goooood (hehe)
    Have you ever had barbecue chicken pizza? I'll make it for you sometime...

