Sunday, January 31, 2010

Alexis Christina Crowley

Soap is strangely comforting. I squirt a little glob of lavender tinged goo on my hand from this bottle that says soap, start the water running (out of a faucet that looks like its being taken over by lichen- really pretty, seriously)get some water on my hands and rub. I see the suds form and I spread them out all over my hands, satisfied by the bubbling action that germs are being murdered. Not that I would know the difference if the germs survived the surprise attack. Run my hands again under the water and feel the pressure the pipes create to spew this h2o. Sometimes I'm so grateful I was born in a place and time with plumbing. I loooooooove plumbing. And the water is pretty too, like the 'lichen'. Well the water isn't really pretty, what it does is pretty. The water is in-visible, it's really just giving you another way of seeing everything on the other side of it.

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