Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Professor Wayne

I'm up. It is 6:00AM Wednesday morning and I am thinking about you all. I enjoyed seeing what each of you did for the 1/2LB project. It really helped in getting to know each of you. That project was about focus..concentrating some energy..paying attention..staying with it..seeing it through.. embracing the tedious when necessary...all of these qualities/work elements will be in play as we move forward.  As far as this blog idea goes, it looks like I can use it this way to communicate a bit, as can each of you, as well as recording responses to the "Being of Being Mindful" assignment. Each day at lunch time...well that was a good question Becca. No it doesn't necessarily have to be at lunch time, but at some point each day----the taking of some special time to stop and observe more carefully..breath, take a break, then refocus on what Mahlon and I have asked you to do. At that point, you may need an actual hard copy journal to make some notes in later transporting them to this site as each day's entry.

Here I will try it:::::Earlier this morning ( or last night/12:30AM ) I was in my bathroom, here at home, I had the water on in the sink and all the lights were off except the warm yellow glow of a night light which was reflected in the mirror. The night light is actually made from a sea shell with palm trees, some water and a boat carved on /in it's surface. I could still taste and smell the orange (which, of course, is the color orange ) I had just finished eating. I could hear the water running into the sink and I could feel the soft blanket texture of my bathrobe around me ( It is blue ). So, Hum??...the sound of water, a soft-comfortable blue robe, the sight of the warm yellow glow from a small night light with a palm tree ocean panorama on it, the taste and smell of an orange, I was transported South. Everything connected in that unplanned moment to give me a South Seas reverie.....  AND it was -----"f------ing" cold outside ( snowing a bit ). I had just minutes before considered turning up the heat in the house. I went to bed with a book on architecture the title of which is :" The Eyes of the Skin."

1 comment:

  1. Aaha...interesting INDEED. Professor Wayne...I think it is very cool of you to be posting on here with us. It shows us that you care. So, thank you :)
