Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Elliott Thorpe

I entered the world famous five star restaurant of Aide Dining Hall. The Hostess Danielle swiped my card and showed me to my seat. This fine dining experience offered a wide variety of delicacies, ranging from breakfast foods to of course dinner. I delighted in eating my breakfast first with two helpings of crepes. Two strawberry and two apple smothered in decadent strawberry and chocolate syrup with a helping of whipped cream. After devouring my first course, I returned to the self serve, all you can eat pasta where I was delighted to find ravioli. After taking a bite of my first ravioli, I was surprised to find it was not the ravioli of my liking. . . it had mushrooms in it. So I decided to dispose of the non-edible content. I decided that the salad bar would be a safe choice to find food to my liking and I decided to get a side of grilled cheese with a salad of spinach. I ate that and then I sat around people watching while they all indulged in the fine cuisine. Oddly it was quite quiet and I then noticed that I felt full. As I left the elaborate dining service the smell of all the cheap food faded into the night air.

I LOVE college food . . . NOT! :P

1 comment:

  1. Elliott, So, you were wearing a tux? 5 star eatery, what was the tip? Did You REALLY eat all that? >>>"and then I felt full"( no kidding ). What happened next? OK, better not to know. Thanks, PS. the 1/2LB of clay you turned into 2 towers and a bridge was a magic trick...nice. Best, Professor wayne
