Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Noticed at 5:32 pm

I was faced with a lightly fantastic sunset driving back to Alfred today.  From 5:32 to 5:37, the sun had slowly crept behind the Western-most hill (and out of my eyes), and left brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges streaked across the sky, broken only by dull blue-gray clouds.  With the sun out of the way, the fog of dusk set in on the hills, leaving the already purple-gray hills to dull even further.  Groups of singular trees become a shaped glob of vertical lines against the sky.  A bright moon is behind me.  The sky is meant to be looked at tonight.

Tasting ginger ale.  Bubbles.  Fake ginger flavor (I think?).  Dinner.  2 minutes later, skunk.

Smelling gasoline on my hands from saving 6 cents per gallon in Corning.  Then later... skunk.

Hearing my music, me singing, the engine revving when I make it work harder.

Feeling the stitches on my steering wheel, my ass sitting for too long, my feet wanting to move.  Emotionally feeling a little dejected, but overall positive.


  1. Arianna, Nice entry-------- I especially liked the line " the fog of dusk set in on the hills"-------I too thought the sky was meant to be looked at tonight. At my place the full moon offered a brightness to the night landscape that produced a crisp shadow cast by my body which moved beneath me as I walked to the barn to feed my horse around 8:30PM. She scolded me for being late. It was a night cold and bright. Thanks, Professor Wayne

  2. I love when the moon creates shadows! I had a friend once whose Dad would go night driving, with no headlights, and would just use the light the full moon offered.
