Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bologna??? Cindi Kelly

I missed the first day of blogging and I feel ashamed of myself. But I will let that feeling go, knowing that today is a new day and missing my first post is not a mortal sin. Let me tell you about me having lunch today. I don't usually do it so this morning I had to try on some consciousness. I made a lunch to bring to school with me. Vegetarian bologna. Sounds like an oxymoron. Made from wheat and has the texture of bologna. If you don't eat meat, why would you want to eat something that reminds you of meat? Because it's easy to prepare. Two pieces of fluffy white bread, 4 carefully folded pieces of "bologna", squirt mustard back and forth on the bologna(very important that the mustard goes on the bologna in this pattern), top with piece of bread. Didn't cut my sandwich today. Probably a mistake....... Add an apple and some carrots-voila! Lunch. Sitting in the library, I take a breath and think about nourishing my body. Mouth says yes and stomach is not sure. Do I feel hungry? Not really but I am going to eat. I pull out my baggie with sandwich and think that it doesn't look so good. White bread yuck. Maybe some specialty bread next time. It's squishy in the bag. Unzip. Touch. Smell the mustard and yeast. Lick my lips and take a bite. I feel my teeth sink through the layers of bread, mustard and bologna. Mouth waters and I begin to chew. Sometimes I like to chew each bite 50 times but I don't think I will today. The sound of chewing in my head and then bookbags rustling and keyboards being typed on. I eat. The bread is sticking to my teeth. Now some carrots. They still feel chilled from the refrigerator this AM. I love orange. I love carrots. They look moist and shiny. They are wet. I put one between my front teeth and CRUNCH. I wonder if anyone is annoyed by my carrots. I try to chew quietly. Right. Eat, breathe, think. I look at the snow and wonder what my drive home will be like. When my carrots and sandwich are gone, I put the baggies back in my bookbag. Can I recycle them somehow? Sated, I move on. Think I'll eat my apple later.

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