Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Victor D. Franco


So, I forgot about the blog for a while there...

I can't believe this weather -why is it soooo good? I can wear flip-flops again! Alfred better not be decieving us. I really hope it stays this way beyond this week (which is the supposed duration of the sunniness).

I've been trying to be catch up on my New Year's resolution and eat healthier/go to the gym. So far, I'm golden. I really hope I keep it up.

Nothing really peculiar has been eaten these past few days for lunch: salad with tofu, lasagna, salad, salad, salad with tofu again.

Oh, well...there was that noxious aquamarine colored 'pistachio pudding' today in celeb. of St. Patrick's. It looked gross but was actually pretty good.

Ooh, and yesterday I saw a Chinese acrobat show in Holmes! My favorite part was when the power ranger ninja outfitted guy climbed up a rediculous stack of chairs almost touching Holmes' ceiling and stopped to show off his superior felxibility and balance with every chair added. I should have...brought a camera.

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