Monday, March 1, 2010

Kathleen Rabe Midterm Q

In the manipulation project I made a small egg for the word laminate. More then the feeling of protection has come from that egg. It sparked something in me and now I have egg drawings, prints, paintings.. maybe it's about fertility and spring and my ache for home..

From the drawing of that egg I made a small sculpture. And from that sculpture a large piece, which is no longer quite so literal; it has flat and curved sides, the original inspiration of an egg somewhat abstracted into a 5 sided form. I then made stamps and stamped drawings of eggs all over the finished piece. The first egg and the final piece were distant relatives at this point and I wanted them to come back together. My question is: Did putting the original inspiration of an egg all over the outside of the piece create a cohesive result or does the form and the "clothing" seem like two ends to one idea with no middle ground?


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