Monday, March 1, 2010

Dave Mykins question on "stratocumulus"

Looking over the questions about the piece to see if the question I had in mind had been asked already, I notice that a lot of people stated that it reminded them of clouds. Not knowing what stratocumulus meant, I was confused at first. visually I did not read it as "cloud" but as "slab of clay". My curiosity led me to look up the definition for "stratocumulus". After learning that it had to do with clouds, it began to make sense. But now I am left wondering whether or not this was a word that I should have known to begin with, or if everyone else looked up the definition before making a post.
With that said, "stratocumulus" is a fitting piece for this assignment. Being that the first time I saw it I made judgments before fully understanding it, (which I still don't, so I should say "understand it better") but now that I know the meaning of the title, I begin to actually think about the piece as more than a slab of clay with cracks in it.

So my questions for you are:

1) Did the title come before or after the piece was made? (and what do you find to be your way of creating? do you typically come up with a concept first, or do you physically make something and assign meaning afterward?) 
- last semester in my sound/ video class, Andrew Deutsch went off on an interesting tangent about that debate

2) Was this piece something that was planned out before you made it, or is it just something that you made and then built an idea around? ( sorry, I realize that this question is very similar to my last question)

3) Is the exact definition of the word "stratocumulus" important to the piece or is it just important that it has to do with nature?


  [strey-toh-kyoo-myuh-luhs, strat-oh-]  Show IPA
a cloud of a class characterized by large dark, rounded masses, usually in groups, lines, or waves, the individual elements being larger than those in altocumulus and the whole being at a lower altitude, usually below 8000 feet (2400 m).
1890–95; strato- -cumulus

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