Friday, March 26, 2010

Alexis of sleepless nights

yesterday was a waste, I couldn't get a thing done. I decided to sleep it off several hours ago. I haven't slept a wink. Right when yesterday was turning into today I started getting all these ideas for what I wanted to do with today. I wrote things down and lay my head down to rest. Unfortunately I was to razzed about what I want to do. My head won't stop, its like an amusement park with gigantic loop-de-loops and that ride where you stand inside this big cylinder and spread your arms out as you press yourself to the wall, and then it starts to spin and the centrifugal force keeps you pasted to the walls as the floor comes out from under your feet. Best ride ever. Anyway, you can imagine how hard it is to sleep with something so exciting going on in your head. Now my stomach feels like its coated with acid, and overall i feel like a word on the tip of the tongue. I just want to get this day going but I know I need the sleep, 0therwise I would make my day start right now, at 2:3o in the a.m. I'll play my go to lullaby music and hopefully that will work like the whole pavlov's dogs association thing.

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