Sunday, March 14, 2010

Katherine Lin - A Strange Experience

I was drying my hair after showered last night. My sister was the next one to use shower room so she came to get ready. My heart beat gradually raised when I dried my hair. First I thought it was because of the hot shower.
I finished drying hair and quickly brushed teeth. My stomach tightened and felt like to vomit when I rinsed my mouth. My view suddenly went black in a second or two; I was scared and tried to call for help but couldn't assemble words. I could barely hear my own voice. Then I couldn't hear anything but a strange humming sound that rhymed with my heart beat. (could be the water that got in my ears during showering)
I felt dizzy; I ran to the couch and fell in it. My sister didn't know what to do, I told her to get mom. The humming sounds were gone when I saw mom. I asked mom to stay while I fell asleep because I was still trembling.

I realized later that I probably held myself back from fainting.
I've been staying in front of the computer to work on a research paper for most of the day, and didn't go out to take walks. The fact that I tend to take long showers might also add to the cause. (the evaporated chlorinated water and things) We were thinking of asking my doctor but it was the last night before I take bus back to school. I probably should ask the health center when back to AU.

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