Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Warm sun submerging into my skin, and I can already feel my batteries recharged. We, as human beings are most definitely solar-powered.

What a day. Not much happened, but everything happened. I got to wear a skirt and shoes without socks for the first time this year. I got to have lunch with a friend who had graduated last year. I subsidized the small fine on a patron's account because he donated money to the library without me asking. I got to vent about something that happened not too long ago, but now I have prospective on it. I did things right today, all over the board. The day isn't done, though. I guess I could still screw something up.

But now the sun is down, and I'm a little chilly. It's a little daunting to know that I'll have to walk back up two hills with a sleeveless shirt, a skirt, no socks, and a thin coat. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

Like Becca said, today is only one day of many left to be lived.

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