Monday, March 15, 2010

Becca Polinski

March 15, 11:05 am

Today I decide to skip the poetry for once and just write. Write about my observations of life, and how things work. Trying to figure out what it is I'm doing here, striving to ready myself for what ever life has to throw at me next.

As any other person will tell you when you ask them, "whats on your mind" I would say a lot. I suppose there is all ways something on my mind, after all there are plenty of thoughts to think and there is a never ending supply of things to keep me up at night. The other night I was talking with my room mate and she asked me the very same question. I found her reply to my answer to be almost funny in an unfortunately ironic way, she said to me "...jeez Becca, when are you gonna catch a break?" The answer to that, I'm not sure, but I found it ironic for her to say that mostly because I really don't think a "break" is something that I can get. I'm not really sure if anyone will ever get one. After all from what life has shown me thus far (which I suppose isn't very much) instead of getting a break, you just learn to live with what ever has happened and then move on to what ever is next. People hope for things to get better, they feel that if they can do this or have that, that life would be so much easier, and once they get there they find what they thought would solve all their problems just makes entirely new ones. I have been realizing maybe that is because life is a series of lessons to be learned and you can't learn the lesson before you've experienced it. I guess what I've decided is to just take life in strides, take what comes to me and deal with it the best I can. As for catching a break, I'll settle for treating myself to a nice cup of coffee, going for walks in the woods with no one around, reading a good book next to a rainy window while listening to Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis or playing blood-thirsty card games with my Grandmother over a big bowl of popcorn and an ice cold Coke.

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