Friday, April 30, 2010

The List...
Autobiographical Questionnaire
The Being on Being Mindful Blog
Manipulation Assignment
Time Commitment Assignment
Drawings Derived from the Manipulation Collection
4 elements
Slab built box assignment
pedestal for slab built box
container for bisqued pieces
Press Molds
Phoenix Project
Final Blog Assignment

Maya Lin

4 elements crit
Press molds/box assignment
Raku Firing

Worst Moment:
Trying to make it through every monday class. Glass blow slots at 5 in the morning gave me little sleep. The movies in the library made me fall asleep but as long as I was doing something with my hands and making something I was fine.But it wasn't that bad of a worst moment.It did make me work harder after I took a nap and went back down to the studio.

Best Moment:
Breaking my work for the final project. There were some things I had trouble parting with but mostly it was nice being able to destroy my work. I learned I'm a more processed oriented person and am less concerned about the final project.

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