Thursday, April 8, 2010

Becca Polinski

April 8, 12:12 pm

I wish my mood could mirror the current sunny weather, but some how the serenity I felt this past weekend is gone. I'm not one to be homesick, but in earnest the only thing I really want right now is to be home. Home with my Mom, be near my family and though it isn't always a stress free environment there, there is a sense of "terra firma"; A place that could help me get my head straightened. Then I'm reminded of all the work that is to be done and that hope of falling to home is gone. My skin literally feels like it is crawling with unease and now matter how much work I try to get done the relief is short lived because, well once something is finally done there is always something else that needs attention. Sometimes I start dreaming of the moment when I get a solid time to myself, then I remember that there is no caching a break there is just more to come. So here is to finding a way to get my head screwed on and getting all to be done, done.

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